We are thrilled to have Marla Muntner guest blog for us today. Marla has spent most of her professional life supporting teaching and learning—inside and outside of the classroom. She’s worked for newspapers, nonprofits, public schools, and education companies. As the former Marketing and Communications Manager for Teachstone, she thrived on creative work through designing instructional programs, managing complex projects, leading creative teams, and designing engaging communications materials.

It’s hard to find the right balance. I try to eat right—but I do like a bite or two of dark chocolate after dinner. I ride my bike and walk my pups most weekends—but sometimes I just need a little couch time. And, like Edutopia blogger Laura Thomas, I find satisfying connections online—but I also need time to talk, listen, and visit face-to-face with my peeps.

In her recent post titled The Downside of Being a Connected Educator, Thomas does a great job explaining the importance of face-to-face conversations in helping us process, explore, and make sense of our circumstances—and ultimately find solutions to the puzzles we confront. And she provides some interesting insights into when and how to use digital connections to help us learn and grow.

Like Laura, I need a mix of conditions to thrive. My creative insights may come through conversation, during quiet times in the car, while walking to lunch, or through online communities.

For me, the trick is giving myself time (and permission!) to move between options until things click.

What works for you?

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