Buy 5 get 2 FREE!
Give your teachers a foundational understanding of effective teacher-child interactions through online bite-sized learning opportunities. Access collection of new online courses that provide a cost-effective and scalable approach to build a teacher’s understanding of the CLASS tool.
Buy 9 On-Demand CDA with CLASS registrations get 1 FREE + 10 CLASS Dictionary & Strategy Card Bundles!
Encourage your staff in earning their CDA credential while teaching them about high-quality interactions in the classroom. Support application of CLASS concepts after the training with our CLASS Dictionary and Strategy Cards.
Purchase myTeachstone and we will waive the implementation fee!
Help your educators be the best they can be through the myTeachstone Platform. The platform offers a variety of learning resources, a robust suite of services and reporting tools for CLASS implementation.
Buy 10 and get 1 FREE Transfer-to-Practice Webinar!
Make meaningful interactions easier and enjoyable in the classroom and at home with our CLASS Support Kits. Maximize your investment with a transfer-to-practice webinar designed to familiarize your teachers to materials, build confidence in implementation and support best practices in high-quality interactions.