Teachstone + NAEYC

Thanks for stopping by to see us at NAEYC's Annual Conference!
Teachstone Booth at a regional conference

Hello there!

Want to meet up with Teachstone while you’re in Nashville? Schedule time to chat with us during or after the conference. Find us at Booth 600 and attend our session, Creating a More Impactful & Equitable Future with CLASS 2nd Edition held on Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

And, coffee is on us! Join our Coffee with CLASS on Friday, November 17, 8-9:30 a.m. at Honest Coffee Roasters—right around the corner from the convention center! Coffee with CLASS is a great place to connect with other educators using CLASS or interested in learning more. RSVP here.

About Teachstone

As makers of the CLASS® tool, Teachstone believes that everyone can benefit from meaningful interactions, starting with our youngest learners. Every single student has the potential to achieve when supported by an educator who knows how to effectively connect with them. To stoke their curiosity. To make them feel safe and valued. To inspire their best. Connect with Teachstone today and help children thrive by investing in the proven power of interactions.

Free Resources for NAEYC Attendees

Whether you're looking to prepare for upcoming observations, build stronger relationships with children, or gain more knowledge about CLASS, we've got you covered. Explore some of our most popular resources that other NAEYC attendees have enjoyed.
Info Sheet

Back to School Resource Kit

Introducing the Back to School Resource Kit, a valuable toolkit designed to enhance classroom interactions and boost your confidence ahead of CLASS® observations. Whether you are an educator working with infants, toddlers, pre-K, or early elementary school, this kit is tailored to your needs.
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Getting Intentional About Relationship Building

In this episode, we discuss the impact of classroom relationships on learning and development. Our guest Kate shares enlightening insights that underscore the crucial role that relationships between educators and students play in shaping successful learning environments.
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Strategies to Support Dual Language Learners

Classroom equity has never been more important than it is today. This session from InterAct2023 in Miami, Florida covers essential, actionable tactics for creating meaningful interactions with children who are dual language learners and their families.
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How Can Your Interactions Change the Lives of Children?

Come learn more about the power of life-changing interactions and discover how you already hold the power in your hands. CLASS® isn’t something else to add to your busy schedule. In many ways, you’re already “doing” it. Join Bridget Hamre, Teachstone CEO and author of the CLASS, and Veronica Fernandez, Senior Director of Social Impact at Teachstone, in this interactive presentation on February 8, 2023.
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Qué Es CLASS Y Cómo “Hacerlo”

Los pequeños momentos pueden tener un gran impacto. La calidad de las interacciones que ocurren entre educadores y estudiantes tiene el poder comprobado de conducir a mejores resultados cognitivos, conductuales y socioemocionales. CLASS® es la herramienta flexible que se sitúa en el centro de estas interacciones y se adapta a sus planes de mejora continua de la calidad.
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What is CLASS and How to “Do” It

Small moments can make a big impact. The quality of the interactions that occur between educators and students have the proven power to lead to better cognitive, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes. CLASS® is the flexible tool that gets at the heart of these interactions and fits into your continuous quality improvement plans. Watch this demo to learn more about what CLASS is and what it looks like in your classroom. Please note: We do not offer certificates of attendance for product demos.
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Get Your Questions Answered

Have more questions? Connect with your personal Teachstone Representative who can help you with all things CLASS—from observation questions to implementation support.