CLASS® 2nd Edition for Certified Affiliate Trainers and Coaches

Same Core Training, Greater Impact

We reimagined and redesigned the CLASS Observation Training for a more comprehensive training experience that leaves observers feeling more confident in their ability to effectively observe interactions, specifically across a variety of settings. The core of the training and the CLASS® tool isn’t changing and with intentional overhaul and expansion of content, your training and coaching impact will be greater than ever.

Increase Access

Keep Up The Great Work

CLASS 2nd Edition will not change the core of the CLASS tool or its domains and dimensions, so you can continue to train with confidence through 2022 until onboarding to new content becomes available to the affiliate community.

As a Certified CLASS Affiliate, you can

  • Continue to deliver CLASS Observation Trainings and Group Coaching (MMCI), with confidence that the content will continue to be relevant and impactful–and transitional resources are available to new observers at no additional cost.
  • Enroll in additional CLASS® Observation Support trainings to enhance key specific observation skills
  • Choose to become certified in CLASS® Environment (Infant/toddler and Pre-K/K)

Better Content and Better Supports

CLASS 2nd edition updates will become available to the CLASS Affiliate Network in 2023, allowing certified trainers and coaches to achieve even greater impacts to children and educators.

In 2023, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Access online, asynchronous Affiliate Trainer onboarding and supports to transition to the new observation training, at no cost to you.
  • Begin to deliver the CLASS 2nd Edition Pre-K–3rd Observation Training.
  • Achieve the ability to train observers on the age groups relevant to their work, Pre-K only or Pre-K–3rd.
Measure for Impact

Opportunities to Enhance Knowledge & Skills

CLASS 2nd Edition provides an opportunity for that foundational knowledge to be expanded and enhanced.

To build on current observer certifications and skills, you can:

  • Access asynchronous, online support that explain the updates made in the 2nd Edition at no additional cost.
  • Enroll in additional CLASS® Observation Support trainings to enhance key specific observation skills.
  • Choose to become certified in CLASS® Environment (Infant/Toddler and Pre-K/K).

Continue Making an Impact

While the CLASS tool is getting exciting updates, the core fundamentals and focus on interactions is not changing. As we work to bring these exciting enhancements to our currently certified Affiliates and Coaches, we strongly encourage you to continue delivering trainings and coaching to continue making an impact. Please join us for an upcoming webinar to learn more about the changes coming to CLASS.