Meaningful Interactions at Home

Give every family the opportunity to learn how to support their children’s development and learning through powerful interactions.

Extend Quality Interactions Beyond the Classroom

Meaningful Interactions at Home creates a bridge between a child’s classroom and home that allows for consistency of quality interactions that promote development and learning. During a one-hour virtual workshop, families will learn how to make the most of their daily interactions at home.

Strengthen family engagement with a workshop powered by CLASS®.

Meaningful Interactions at Home is an engaging family workshop designed to:

  • Provide programs with a virtual offering that supports family engagement goals for infant through pre-K families
  • Create consistency of effective interactions that promote children’s development and learning
  • Promote whole-child development through the proven power of interactions
  • Support the CCDBG Family Engagement Requirements and Head Start’s Family Engagement Standards
Parents and child playing on the couch

Help every family turn everyday opportunities into meaningful moments.

Meaningful Interactions at Home offers families a chance to:

  • Learn about the proven power of effective interactions
  • Discover new ways to strengthen their child’s learning in the context of everyday moments
  • Access quality materials that promote effective interactions at home
  • View themselves as an active teacher in their child’s life

An Easier Way to Host a Meaningful Family Engagement Workshop

Expert Facilitators
Each workshop is led by a CLASS® specialist who is an expert on meaningful interactions and facilitating virtual workshops.
Designed for Families
Written specifically for families, the workshop shares CLASS® concepts in ways families can easily relate to and understand.
Turn-Key Experience
From a registration platform, promotional materials, to the workshop content and facilitator, Teachstone offers a comprehensive solution.
Quality Take-Aways
Each family who registers receives the workshop recording and quality materials that make applying new strategies learned easier than ever.

The Proof is in the Numbers



94% of families left feeling motivated to use the strategies learned at home.






99% of families who attended a Meaningful Interactions at Home workshop felt it helped them understand the importance of effective interactions.


Bring a Meaningful Interactions at Home workshop to your program’s families today.