Authorized CLASS® Provider Program

Authorized CLASS Providers are a small group of licensed providers for Teachstone. Learn more about becoming an authorized provider or explore the directory of providers to hire a provider in your area.

Facilitation Tips

Tips and tricks to help you lead your best CLASS training session.

Use Your Justifications as a Prep Tool!

In this clip, CLASS training expert, Mary-Margaret discusses how your Master Code Justifications booklet can be an invaluable preparation tool as you set out to deliver Observation Training and defend those master codes with confidence!
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Scaffolding CLASS Concepts

Know it, teach it, breath it: building CLASS knowledge in your trainings.

Facilitating the “Observing with a Lens” Discussion

As you watch this video, look for how the trainer: actively listens to participants and affirms their comments, uses open-ended prompts when asking participants to comment, summarizes participants’ comments for the whole group and builds relationships with participants.
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Digging Deeper into CLASS

Resources to support trainees after a training.

From the Store

Tools to Support CLASS Affiliates

CLASS Affiliate Trainer Recertification

Renew your CLASS Affiliate Trainer certification Demonstrate your in-depth understanding of the CLASS measure and continue providing quality programs to your colleagues.
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CLASS Train-the-Trainer

This research-based training program allows you to build in-house CLASS experts and certify observers to collect reliable classroom data.
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Pre-K CLASS® Observation Trainer Version 4 Upgrade

Teachstone is excited to provide Affiliate CLASS® Trainers with access to version 4 of the Pre-K CLASS Observation Training. By ordering these onboarding materials, you will be able to upgrade to the newest version of this training.
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Join the Affiliate CLASS Trainers Community

Connect with Teachstone trainers and affiliate trainers, access to special trainer resources, and learn about updates to the field.