Head Start & CLASS®

Because every superhero needs a superpower.

Each day you uphold the promise of Head Start that every child, regardless of circumstances at birth, has the ability to reach their full potential. And for that, you’re a superhero.

Every superhero needs a superpower. That’s CLASS. CLASS provides Head Start programs with a method for focusing, measuring, and improving meaningful interactions. Through the proven power of interactions, we can give every child the opportunity to experience life-changing teaching and reach their full potential.

A male observer sits in the foreground with the class score sheet in focus. In the background, you can see the blurred images of a teacher sitting on the carpet with children. This is a still photo pulled from the New E3 School in Norfolk VA.

Navigating the Return to Monitoring: You’re Not Alone

Since the beginning, Teachstone has been committed to providing educators with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to leverage the proven power of interactions. And now that the Office of Head Start has announced the return to CLASS observations and monitoring, our commitment is only strengthened. We are here for you. We got you. 

Preparing for Monitoring: Exclusive Bundles & Discounts

Preparing for Monitoring: Exclusive Bundles & Discounts
To make preparing for CLASS monitoring visits, easier and more impactful than ever before, we’re offering Head Start Programs exclusive bundles and discounts that can help:

  • Onboard teachers to CLASS and interactions quickly ahead of monitoring visits
  • Demonstrate quality interactions with real classroom videos and bite-size learning opportunities that overcome challenging schedules
  • Create a system that integrates CLASS concepts into daily practices aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework
  • Enable observations in-between monitoring cycles to prepare your program and maintain quality across the year

Transform Lives with CLASS: Your Superpower in Head Start

A single interaction can change the course of a child’s day. But, continuously supporting a child with meaningful interactions can change the child’s life. That’s the power of CLASS.

CLASS is...

Over 200 research studies prove children in classrooms with higher CLASS scores demonstrate better social-emotional, cognitive, and academic outcomes.
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The interactions defined by CLASS® connect to effective daily practices that are aligned and support Head Start’s Early Learning Outcome Framework.
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CLASS is the only system that provides programs and teachers the research-proven insights, skills, and strategies they need to improve the most critical part of teaching practices, interactions.
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CLASS not only supports children but provides a framework for continuous professional development and growth for educators and provides common language and practices that can extend to families.
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Supercharge Your Superpower

Unlock your program’s and children’s full potential with solutions and resources designed to help you overcome daily challenges while supercharging your CLASS foundation and power of interactions.

Overcome workforce and onboarding barriers

A male observer sits in the foreground with the class score sheet in focus. In the background, you can see the blurred images of a teacher sitting on the carpet with children. This is a still photo pulled from the New E3 School in Norfolk VA.

Take the guesswork out of CLASS

Decrease challenging behaviors and build stronger relationships

adult man holding a child

Engage families and extend the power of interactions

Build a system to sustain quality

Strengthen your superpower with these free resources today

Learn more about our exciting new pilot with the Office of Head Start. We are excited to partner with Head Start programs to develop innovative and reliable methods of collecting CLASS data via video.

Want to learn more about how we can help your Head Start program succeed?

Contact us to connect with a CLASS consultant who can help you meet your goals with solutions that fit your budget.