CLASS® Observation Services

Let Teachstone observe and measure the quality of your classroom interactions
a teacher and a young toddler smile at each other

CLASS Observations Made Easier

Coordinating CLASS observations for an entire organization can seem daunting. From the scheduling, to the conducting, and reporting, managing the observation process can be a lot. With CLASS Observation Services, Teachstone will:

  • Meet with you and your organization to understand your goals and unique needs
  • Lead and organize the logistics around scheduling and conducting all observations
  • Conduct a 4 cycle observation process with highly trained and skilled observers

A Quicker Way to CLASS Implementation

Building local capacity to complete high-quality observations takes time. With CLASS Observation Services, your organization will:

  • Be assigned reliable CLASS observers who engage in monthly calibrations and participate in peer-coding review sessions
  • Have additional time to certify your own observers without delaying observations
  • Receive accurate and valid observation scores that provide key insights on the quality of interactions across your program

The Data Insights You Need

CLASS observation data is powerful in driving meaningful and continuous quality improvement efforts.  With CLASS Observation Services, all observation data is collected within myTeachstone and gives you access to the insights you need, when you need it. Organization who use CLASS Observation Services receive the:

  • Observation Data File: discover information about your learning settings and CLASS dimension level scores
  • Classroom Data Report: receive specific feedback for each classroom and use this information to create a targeted PD plan
  • Program Data Report: see a summary of interaction quality across your organization and build an organization-wide improvement plan

CLASS Observation Services The Way You Need It

Remote-Virtual Observations

Are you limited to how many people can be in your learning setting? This CLASS observation service allows a certified observer to join a live-stream video of your in-person learning setting to observe and code educator-child interactions.

Video-Coded Observations

Do you prefer to send us your own learning setting video? With Video-Coded observations, you video record your learning settings and send us the footage for one of our expert CLASS observers to code. We provide guidance on how to capture the best learning setting video.

In-Person Live Observations

Skip the technology and hire the experts. Bring a Teachstone-certified CLASS observer to your learning setting to observe and code educator-child interactions.