The Unified Virginia Quality Birth to Five system, called VQB5, is a measurement and improvement system that focuses on the quality of all publicly-funded birth-five classrooms and supports families to choose quality programming across different program types.
The quality of interactions between teachers and children will be measured in VQB5 using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS®). VQB5 will provide multiple CLASS observations to every classroom each year to support continuous quality improvement in all birth to five programs.
There are two types of CLASS observations conducted in VQB5; external and local observations. Teachstone was selected through a competitive process to provide the External Observations for VQB5.
Local Observations, coordinated by Ready Regions, are the primary method for gathering classroom level information about the quality of teacher-child interactions and providing feedback in VQB5. Information about Local CLASS Observations can be found on the VDOE Quality Measurement and Improvement website.
Questions about the use of CLASS in VQB5 can be directed to [email protected]
External Observations, coordinated by Teachstone, are a secondary method to gather information for the State, about the accuracy and consistency of local observations across the Ready Regions and to provide additional feedback in VQB5. External observations are coordinated, scheduled, and recorded statewide by Teachstone’s external observation team.
For more information, please contact Teachstone’s External Observation Team at [email protected].
Overview of CLASS Observations in VQB5
Descripción de las observaciones externas de CLASS a nivel estatal