Welcome to the Reliability Support Page

Looking for support on certain dimensions or the coding process? Explore these resources before your second testing attempt! If you are in need of additional support, please reach out to us at [email protected] or via chat in the lower right hand corner to set up a call with our Reliability Support Team.

Need a Refresher on the Coding Process?

Watch the videos and refer to the documents below to learn more about the NICE coding process.

The CLASS Coding Process: The N Step of NICE

Watch Now

The CLASS Coding Process: The ICE Step of NICE

Watch Now

Using Table 2.1 to Assign Scores (CLASS 2008)

Using Table 2.1 to Assign Scores (CLASS 2nd Edition)

  • Watch the Using Table 2.1 to Assign Scores video
  • Remember: this is CLASS 2nd Edition Specific

Scoring reminders and pitfalls

Tips to Overcome Observer Challenges