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Learn about a study on the early use of CLASS 2nd Edition gathered from videos of 380 classrooms in 27 Head Start programs, during the 2022–2023 school year. These findings support the conclusion that while there are subtle differences between CLASS 2008 and 2nd Edition scores, substantial overlap exists between the two tools. Both may be used to reliably measure classroom interactions.
Did you know that high-quality interactions play an essential role in supporting children’s social-emotional learning? Our new brief breaks down the research behind the connections between educator-child interactions and important social emotional skills.
The foundations for language and literacy success are built in the early years. Our newest research summary details the links between the Pre-K CLASS® tool and children’s language and literacy outcomes. Read the key takeaways from this research summary.
Children in K-12 classes need quality interactions for their best outcomes. Learn how CLASS can help.
Children ages birth through 5 need quality interactions for their best outcomes. Learn how CLASS can help.
Read about how CLASS supports learning and development for children from a broad range of backgrounds.
Teachstone's thoughts on the Office of Head Start's proposal to increase absolute thresholds for the three CLASS domains.
An exploration of CLASS in Infant, Toddler, Pre-K, Elementary, and Secondary education.
A Summary of Research on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Pre-K—Third Grade
How to use the CLASS tool in classrooms where most children have IEPs or IFSPs.