How do I upgrade?
Go to the store and request the upgrade materials. Once you request the materials you’ll be enrolled in the online onboarding training within 72 hours.
Is there a cost to upgrade?
No, there is no cost to upgrade. The onboarding course and Version 4 materials will be provided free of charge. Your annual trainer recertification fee covers the cost of required version upgrades.
How long do I have to upgrade?
Beginning April 20th, all Pre-K Observation trainings taking place will receive Version 4 materials. You do not need to complete the upgrade before April 20th. For example, if you don’t intend to train before August – you could wait to upgrade in July. You will need to complete the upgrade prior to requesting any Pre-K Observation training that occurs after April 20th. We strongly encourage you to order your materials at least a month before you plan to hold or request your training.
What does the online onboarding training consist of?
You will access the onboarding training on your myTeachstone dashboard. It has three parts:
How long will this take me?
Please plan to spend 2-3 hours completing the onboarding.
Where do I get my materials?
You can request materials here.
I have pre-purchased materials left over from Version 3, can I still use them?
Absolutely – we will need to send you the new Participant Guide and the new Master Justifications Guide to swap out from your existing kits to bring them up to Version 4. Reach out to Customer Support for help with this.
Do I need to order the English and Spanish Pre-K Observation materials separately?
No, if you choose to add Spanish, you will receive both English and Spanish materials when you order the Spanish materials. You will need to order Infant and Toddler Spanish Intro materials separately.
Do I have to do anything to be allowed to order the Spanish materials?
No. However, you will be required to complete the onboarding experience, which assumes Spanish fluency, prior to requesting your Spanish training.
How do I upgrade to deliver Spanish Intro trainings?
If you are upgrading to deliver Affiliate Spanish Introduction to the CLASS Tool trainings:
As you prepare to facilitate your first Introduction training in Spanish, we recommend that you take the following steps:
If I’m requesting a training for April 24th, do I need to upgrade first?
Yes, since your training is taking place after April 20th, your participants will receive Version 4 materials and you will need to complete onboarding before your training will be approved.
I don’t plan to hold a training until this summer, do I still need to upgrade by April 20th?
No, but you must upgrade prior to requesting your training. You can wait until closer to that time to complete the upgrade. Keep in mind that you will need to allow for time for materials to ship and to complete the onboarding process so we strongly encourage you to order your materials at least a month before you plan to hold or request your training.
How do I setup a Spanish training?
Request your Spanish training through the Affiliate Spanish Training request form. Anyone using the form to request a Spanish training will need to have purchased participant materials separately. Participant materials can be purchased here on a special page on the store or through a member of our sales team.
What is the Affiliate CLASS Trainer Resource Village?
The Village is an online space where trainers can access training materials, stream videos live during training, take a trainer recertification practice test, and find a wide range of videos, online courses, and printable resources. The resources in this space will be updated in an ongoing way as Teachstone develops new supports for trainers. Trainers can access the Village by clicking the Online Courses tile on their myTeachstone dashboard. It is now available to all affiliate trainers with active certifications.
Customer Support will be happy to answer any questions you have about this process. You can call them at 866-998-8352, send an email to [email protected], or start a live chat with a customer support representative.