CLASS® Coding Support

Remain reliable with CLASS Calibration and Double Coding

CLASS Calibration


Deepen Your Knowledge and Feel Confident

Conducting observations with the CLASS tool takes ongoing practice to master and maintain effective coding skills. CLASS Observer Calibration is designed to help observers continuously fine-tune their skills and strengthen their understanding of the CLASS tool so they can remain reliable in their coding.

CLASS Observer Calibrations offer:

  • Access to diverse learning setting videos to practice observing and coding
  • Instant feedback and scoring results to check practice codes
  • Guidance and explanation of master code justifications through a live or pre-recorded webinar

Stay Reliable All Year-Long

Even the most experienced CLASS observers need practice to ensure their classroom observations remain accurate. We recommend that all observers calibrate, and how often one calibrates depends on the amount and frequency of one’s data collection.

CLASS Observer Calibration is offered in:

  • Individual Calibrations – Observe and code various learning setting videos, receive instant feedback on scores assigned, and understand coding justifications through a pre-recorded webinar
  • Group Calibrations – Observe and code various learning setting videos, receive instant feedback on scores assigned, and engage in discussion on the master coding justifications, scoring errors, and best practices with a Teachstone CLASS Expert

Buy Individual Calibrations   Learn More About Group Calibrations

Protect Your Investment

Teachstone studied the effects of CLASS Observer Calibration on CLASS Observer Recertification pass rates, and found that calibrations not only helped to build confidence in observation skills but also increased likelihood observers would remain a certified CLASS observer.

Certified CLASS Observers who participate in CLASS Observer Calibrations are:

  • More likely to pass their recertification test (97% compared to 80%)

  • More likely to pass recertification tests on the first try (82% compared to 51%)

  • Score higher on recertification tests (87.5% compared to 83.6%)

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CLASS® Double Coding

Practice Alongside an Expert

Deepen your understanding of the scoring process and build more efficient observation practices with Double Coding.

Observers participating in Double Coding will:
  • Observe and code classroom interactions alongside an expert CLASS coder
  • Receive coaching and guidance on scores and practices after the observation
  • Build strategies and understanding to support more efficient observations

Accelerate Building Your Confidence

Double Coding is effective in building observer confidence as it gives observers an opportunity to practice and learn from an experienced observer. Double Coding takes place in person, in actual classroom settings giving observers the most realistic practice opportunity.

Observers participating in Double Coding:
  • Practice observing in actual classroom at a location of your choice
  • Complete up to four observation cycles per day
  • Engage in debriefing and reflection activities with the Expert Observer