myTeachingPartner (MTP)

An evidence-based instructional coaching model for K-12 teachers

What is myTeachingPartner (MTP)?

Teachstone’s 1-on-1 Video Coaching Model (MyTeachingPartner – MTP) is a validated system for providing practice- and strength-based feedback to teachers. It is grounded in extensive research examining key features of successful professional development leading to improved student outcomes. 

What are the benefits of MTP 1:1 Coaching?

  • helps K12 teachers improve student-teacher interactions to better meet important learning goals for students.
  • supports district priorities related to improved academic performance, social-emotional well-being, and opportunities for every student
  • meets ESSA guidelines as a Title II eligible professional development model that is “sustained, intensive, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused.” 
  • is listed in the US Department of Education What Works Clearinghouse as one of the few promising professional development coaching programs for high school teachers.

How Does MTP Coaching Work?

Teachers video record their teaching and share clips with their MTP coach. The coaches guide teachers through an intensive, personalized, and strength-based consultation process. Coaches are trained to support teachers 1:1, using classroom videos to guide learning and self-reflection. A Teachstone Coach Specialist, in turn, supports coaches during monthly group and individual consultations.

MTP 1:1 Video Coaching is a 5-step process that takes place in 2 week cycles throughout the school year. It is focused on effective teacher-student interactions, individualized to meet teachers’ needs and anchored in teachers’ actual practice, based on a validated observation rubric, embedded in ongoing, collaborative relationships between the teacher and coach, and delivered through a standardized process.

What do Teachers and Coaches Think of MTP Coaching?

CLASS-based 1:1 video coaching helps teachers leverage and improve classroom interactions that result in deeper content knowledge for students. With the ongoing and deliberate support of their instructional MTP coach, teachers learn how to take their rich content knowledge and deliver it in ways that are more meaningful, relevant, and connected for their students. 

Feedback from teachers and coaches is generally very positive when they are given sufficient professional development time to implement MTP program activities. 

According to high school teachers participating in MTP (Gregory et al., 2014, 2016), 100% said the strength- and video-based coaching cycles were “worth the time it took.” Ninety-five percent described the coaching sessions as “productive.” 

Results highlight not only significant benefits to students in terms of engagement and achievement gains, but also suggest renewed teacher enthusiasm for their profession as they challenge themselves to better activate and strengthen the learning environment for their students. 

Each teacher I worked with for MTP coaching indicated that they appreciated the strengths based focus of MTP.
Seeing myself on video has helped me think about how important it is to be very attentive to students’ needs in the classroom.

You're Invited!

Teachstone is pleased to be working with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Learning Forward on a US Department of Education research project focused on MTP for middle and high school ELA and Math teachers. 

AIR is currently recruiting districts to participate in this coaching project! For further information, please visit their website.

What is CLASS?

Learn about the CLASS and MTP in K-12 settings

Who Are We?

Welcome to Teachstone!

We are an organization that is committed to using evidence-based tools and strategies that have been shown to promote student achievement, engagement, and behavior. Having grown out of research conducted at the University of Virginia, we continuously ground our methods in best practices for teaching and learning. 

We believe every student has the right to life-changing teachers. And the way to get there is to make sure teachers have the support they need and deserve. We focus on measuring and transforming classroom interactions that directly benefit students and teachers.  

We promote methods for measuring and improving instructional interactions that align with district goals and priorities. Over the past 10 years, Teachstone has supported more than 5,000 teachers nationwide by partnering with school districts, early care settings, and research institutions. 

We're Here to Answer Your Questions!

For more information on CLASS, MTP 1:1 Video Coaching, or other K12 resources, please reach out.