Strengthen Your Ability to Reliably Measure Teacher-Child Interactions
adult at a computer smiling

CLASS® Observation Training

Not yet certified? Learn how to reliably observe and measure teacher-child interactions using the CLASS® tool and earn your CLASS® observer certification.

Sign up for a Training

Explore Other CLASS® Certifications

Observer Directory

Are you are Certified CLASS Observer looking to be hired? Add your information to our CLASS Observer Directory to connect with organizations that need your services.

Reliability Support

Struggling with a certain dimension or have concerns about your coding process? Explore resources around specific areas you are looking for support.

Our Reliability Support page answers frequently asked questions and provides resources to help you prepare for your reliability test and first live observation!

Observer Village

Have you seen the new Observer Village? The village is an online space full of tools and resources to help you build your data collection skills, avoid coder drift throughout the year, and prepare for recertification. You’ll have access to over 50 age-neutral resources, as well as some specific to each age level on which you are certified to collect CLASS data. Access the village in your online courses tile.

Job Aids to Promote Equitable Observations

Teachstone's job aids help support increased accuracy of CLASS data, as well as an improved experience for educators who receive CLASS observations.

CLASS Learning Community

Ever wish you could ask any question in the world about CLASS observation? Explore thousands of topics and discussions happening right now from other observers and educators using CLASS in their classrooms.

Featured Observer Products