How do I drop the CDA with CLASS course? Is there a penalty?
Why should I choose CDA with CLASS? Why is Teachstone better than another program?
My CDA book says that I am required to complete “120 clock hours of professional early childhood education covering the growth and development of children ages 3-5 years...” I work with children aged 5-12. Do the five-year-olds in my program count? Or do I need to find somewhere to volunteer with children aged three to five?
I already have 80 clock hours of continuing education. Can I transfer those hours to Teachstone?
I submitted my assignment, but I haven’t received feedback or a grade yet. When can I expect to have feedback?
When are assignments and discussions due?
Where can I find feedback from the facilitator when I receive an alert?
Why does my gradebook show an incomplete when I have completed the entire course, including assignments and discussion boards?
I’ve been participating in the discussions but I don’t see a grade in my gradebook.
What happens if I don’t pass the certification exam?
Do I need to use the CDA book from the Council for Professional Recognition?
What is the CDA Renewal with CLASS?
What is the CDA Renewal with CLASS all about?
How does a teacher benefit from completing the CDA Renewal with CLASS curriculum?
What's special about CDA Renewal with CLASS?
How do I enroll in the renewal course?
Where do I enroll?
What is required for successful completion of the course?
What do I earn for successfully completing the course?
What is covered in the CDA Renewal with CLASS?
What are the enrollment dates?
What do I need to apply for the CDA renewal?
My CDA credential has expired. Can I still take the renewal course or do I have to take CDA with CLASS instead?